Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fantasy Device- The Real Thing
Sunday, September 20, 2009
LAb 2
Fantasy Device
-I don’t like making decisions in general. When I wake up in the morning, I would love to have a device that would pick my “outfit of the day”. It would have to read the outside temperature, my mood and my schedule. Then it would provide photos of all the items from my wardrobe for that day.
-I always want to write notes on myself. I like to be organized, and I am always afraid to forget things. Maybe I could have a scarf that listen to my voice and write in conductive ink my thoughts and notes so I just have to look at my scarf to remember instead of pulling a pen and a piece of paper every time. I couldn’t just record my voice because I am very visual and I need to see to remember.
-Maybe mechanism that would make my bed in the morning.
-Sometimes, I would like to just travel for few hours and come back. When I am researching online, even if we have so much information I would like to teleport myself to the location I am looking at on the web.
-With the problems in the figure skating marking system, that would be good to have a device that would grade your jumps and spins. The device would be on your skates. It would measure your speed, the height and the length of your jumps, number of rotations and the landing. For the spin, it would measure the number of spin, your position, your flexibility…etc. Judges would have to judge the artistic and other things out the technicality.
-I have been dreaming of a device that would change the thread on my sewing machine. I would have to scan the fabric, then it would recognize the color and prepare the plain and the Overlock machine for me (like home depot paint).
-Be able to change my environment. I would love to have LED screen on each wall and ceiling of my apartment. I would be able to change environment by just pressing a button. It would then recreate a 3D environment all around me. Ie. I want to be in the Amazon, I want to be by the beach…..
-I would like to create a dress that says “hi” to everyone that passes.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
First: Light up a LED:
Second: Make a LED blink. The first few times I did it, it blinked a few times and then stopped. I finally looked at Arduino control structures (on their website)and figured it out.
These are just very basic labs as an introduction to physical computing. I have never learned about circuits and electricity, so that should be interesting.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Body Scanning
What is body scanning?
There have been recent advances in 3D full body scanning technologies with applications to the fashion and apparel industry. This device scans your entire body and then the data are collected to create sewing patterns. It was first used to improve sizing systems in fashion Apparel companies.
Recently, 3-d body scan has been used by accessory and jewelery designers. The 3d is transformed into a 2d pattern and they use this pattern to make personal jewels in different materials.
Here is the work of Amy Congdon
Artists, not only sculptors, use scan data to create 3d clothing sculpture.
Mashallah Design & Linda Kostowski
Dries verbruggen:
The computer brings a new concept of geometry, a new digital way to see all angles on a human body. The programs allow us to reconstruct or construct an extension of our body. The cloth, as well as the body becomes the medium of the art work. It also brings the notion of perfection –imperfection, and fashion and deformity.
What is the problem?
The population might be concern about identity protection / personal issues.
Is body scanning a new emerging art medium that bring concerns in terms of identity?
Will custom clothing, accessories, art, become global customization?
Is fashion technology a positive evolution?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
FashionCamp and IMC Studios
Last weekend, I attended the “Fashioncamp” at
I also went to see the
Here is their website:
And the work of Celina Alvarado.